This is only a summary of Dr. Mehmet Oz' tips for men. These are tips and reminders, that will help men become healthier. Often, we have men who lose consciousness awareness in taking care of themselves. As men get older, the health problems increase more. Even wealthy men, still have a decrease in health. This is due to not caring, or lack of detail information on a mans' individual health. What I found, is that most people, have to have a emotional investment in what they do to succeed. When you achieve a emotional investment in a interest, they are more likely to achieve it. There is a feeling of fun, adventure, and enjoyment, that will make activities effortlessness to do. The question then becomes, how to make something intolerable towards tolerable; to actually put things in action.
- Roll on the Floor Laughing (Find humor to Eases stress)
- Don't Skip Breakfast (Keeps your metabolism up)
- Hit the Sack (Get at least 7 seven hours of sleep, helps u live longer)
- Admire Your Work (Take a look at your poop, it shows what condition your digestion system /colon is in)
- Don't Pamper Your Bad Back (Latest research shows that, bed rest weakens back muscle and prolongs the suffering)
- Taste the Colors (Eat foods with bright rich colors, like vegtables)
- Brushing is Not Enough (Do not skip a day of flossing)
- Take a Deep Belly Breath (Stick out belly breathing in, exhale to bring in stomach <meditation breathing>)
- Join a Yoga Class (Increase flexibility of your body)
- Don't Be an Island (Do not be the hermit lone wolf. This is the reason why women live longer than men. They form close connections {networks} and talk about issues that bug them. Women are emotionally base people, which is why it is easier for them to release emotions. This might be hard to do for some guys. Men are logical and rational base people. Some Men, might have to develop better social skills {social intuition}). In addition, check out: ["How to Win Friends & Influence People" by Dale Carnegie])
- Avoid Fad Diets
- Be a Smart Patient (Responsibility falls on you, not doctor in the end)
- Lose The Beer Belly
- Go Green (Drink Green tea or White tea, but the loose dry leaves variety; not the already bag package tea)
- Sweat Until You're Wet (Interval Training)
- Save Some Money (Don't let money stress you)
- Have as Much Sex as Possible ( Easier said than done. Dating is a skill and art form. Man must know, how the dating dynamic works and understand how women work. Know what the male and female traits are. Inotherwords, men should not copy the female traits, when pursuing women. For example, the act of chasing is a female trait. Men should not chase after women but begin the chase, so she can start to chase you. This is only if, she interested in you. Women like to chase men 'they like'. Most women will not acknowledge that they chase men, but guys, as you learn more about women; you'll see the truth open up about women. Lastly, do your research on topics of dating; and keep reading the information, until it is stuck in your head. That way, you will know what to do in moment of the interaction. Please do not talk about, what you are learning about dating to women and men as well. People will either think, learning about dating is a way of being manipulative. It is just, being more prepare against 'tests' women throw at men; and know when a girl is actually interested in you, instead of having your time wasted on one particular woman. After being familiarize with dating information; when other men bring the topic up, you will know if they are wrong or right.)
- Know Your Numbers Then Aim Lower (Blood Pressure)
- Add Some Weights (Lifting Weights)
- Grab Your Nuts (Walnuts and other types of nuts)
- No, Seriously Grab Your Nuts (Grab your testicles and check for bumps / lumps on your nuts)
- Hit the Dance Floor (Any kind of complex dancing stimulates Neurons)
- Do Your Penis a Favor (Treadmill)
- Learn to Cook
- Some Pills Should Be Popped (Vitamin D3 Supplement)
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