I recently tried So Delicious Unsweetened Coconut Milk for the first time. Upon tasting it, there was no flavor (taste) at first. It went smooth going down my throat. After Drinking it, I kinda taste a subtle hint of flavor. The aftertaste of it has a liquid creamy feel. I assume it like driniking milk, which gives the name coconut milk. I only had milk couple of times awhile ago. So I cannnot give you a comparison test between milk and coconut milk. Overall, this is a review of this particlar product.
Anyhow, it does have a slippery texture to it for a aftertaste after consuming. There is definitely a cystal clear white color of the milk itself. I got a good amount of energy from it. For me, it had a feel good mental stimulation towards the front of my mind (frontal lobe). I am reminded that it looks similar to kefir. It seems like a good substitute for coffee and added to a breakfast meal.
It is best to add fruit, Stevia, or any other healthy additive that good for you. Inaddition, it is best to buy the unsweetened verison of it. That way you can do many things with it like baking. I added cinnamon and xylitol (All Natural Sweetener) in coconut milk. It turn out to have a ok taste to it and had a light sweet taste when adding Xylitol. The So Delicious brand does not have the Coconut smell. But, the 'Silk' brand of coconut milk had a coconut smell to it. And yes, i did try the Silk brand by the way. All in All, I prefer the So Delicious Verison but that just me.
There will be a link down below to Amazon, if you decide to buy So Delicious Unsweetened. Also it best to buy the refrigerated coconut milk version. The one on amazon is the non-refrigerated version. The only difference is, how do you want to store your coconut milk between the two versions(??). Inaddition, it is important to know that the non-refrigerated one has preservatives. The perservatives in it has to be there to preserve contents of the milk, while on store shelves. The Perservatives are unhealthy for you. So it is like a double edge sword for the perservatives. If you want fresher coconut milk, then go with the refrigerated version. Improtantly, MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT ALLERGIC TO COCONUT BEFORE CONSUMING! I want you to stay safe and sound. Take Care Readers...
- Dairy free
- Unsweetened
- Soy Free
- Good Source of Calcium
- 45 Calories per serving
- Comprised of about 60% Medium Chain Fatty Acid (MCFAs)
- USDA Organic
- Certified Vegan
- Made in USA
- Coconut cream product of Thiland, Sri Lanka and//or Philippines
- So-Delicious Coconut Milk Beverage is fortified with a proper balance of calcium magnesium and Vitamin D for maximum calcium Absorption
- Naturally Energizing
- Ceritified Gluten-Free
- Ingredients: 1 to 11
1| organic coconut milk = (water, organic coconut cream)
2| calcuim phosphate
3| magnesium phosphate
4| guargum
5| xanthan gum
6| vitamin A acetate
7| vitamin D-2
9| zinc oxide
10| folic acid
11| vitamin B-12
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