Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Exercising The Mind And Body May Not Protect Against Alzheimer's (Bad News?)


There is now new research suggesting that, staying physically fit and mentally fit may help healthy people ward off the mental decline that comes with aging, BUT it does not affect the underlying causes of Alzheimer's disease. Inside people with Alzheimer's, there are abnormal, fuzzy, and cloud-like clusters of Fragments of protein called BETA-AMYLOID that surround nerve cells, plus block their signals. Therefore, this leads the person's mind function and memory to deteriorate.

Most Importantly, in the study researchers looked at Beta-Amyloid and other characteristics of Alzheimer's. This lead them to see if there were characteristics in people's brains responded (correlated) with mental and physical exericises. As a result, results reveal that exercises may possibly be disconnected from any protection against Alzheimer's diesease characteristics of the brain. This was a statement of the results by Keith A. Johnson (co-director of the Massachusetts Alzheimer's Disease Research Center at Harvard Medical School).




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