Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Oil Pulling for Teeth


I first came across Oil Pulling, when I watched the Dr. Oz Show. Oil Pulling is when you put (sesame) oil in your mouth and gargle it like mouthwash for 10 minutes or so. You do not have to fiercely gargle it hard for those 10 minutes. Just simply gargle it and spit it out after 10 minutes are up. Once you have spit the oil out, the oil of your choice will have a white color to the oil. The white color is suppose to be, the bad bacteria and other bad build up from the mouth. Especially, the oil will pull out those hard to reach places; where flossing fails to get between teeth and such. I Personally use the oil pulling technique and have been using it for some time now.As a result, I use sesame oil to clean my mouth. After using this technique, I notice that my mouth felt cleaner. My teeth were whiter than usual after using it for some time now. I am happy about the results that i've gotten and will use it for years to come. 

  When it comes to picking the oil for oil pulling, the ones that are recommended are sesame oil or coconut oil. But, I ask you (the reader) to look into what oil is right for you. In,addition, make sure you are not allergic to any of the oils that are recommended for oil pulling.

The oil I use for oil pulling

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