Saturday, January 4, 2014

Mario Batali Pasta Sauce (Tomato Basil)

If you look in your Pasta aisle, there is a variety of tomato sauces to choose from. Most, do have added sugar, even if it does not say so on the Nutrition Facts. Therefore, it does require a deeper analysis of each ingredient in itself. Each Ingredient can have more sugar, than the nutritional facts are describing to you. The exception in this case goes to Mario Batali, for its' short and simple list of Ingredients.

No Sugar Added 
No Preservatives
Fresh Ingredients

  • San Marzano Imported Italian Plum Tomatoes
  • Fresh Red Onions
  • Fresh Carrots
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Fresh Basil
  • Fresh Garlic
  • Sea Salt                                

  • No paste or puree added
  • Produced in a Green Facility
  • Made with all fresh chopped onions and fresh garlic
  • Crafted from San Marzano Italian plum tomatoes from the Sarnese-Nocerino area in Italy.

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