Saturday, July 18, 2015

Eating On Peanuts May Extend Your Life


When a Study saids that it 'MAY' do something to help your life; I feel studies and findings have a long journey to go before finding real soild proof of its effects on the human body. Continuous research is always require, this is science after all.

According to a Netherlands findings, a new study reveals that people who eat peanuts regularly 'may' have your life extended (live longer). However, peanut butter does not count due its' salt and vegetable oils. The oil in itself contains trans fatty acids, that will destroy the protective nutrition in the peanuts.

In the study, people who ate peanuts at least a ounce (10 grams) or other nuts; were 23 percent less likely to die over a 10 year period than people who did not eat nuts. Usual thing about this study is that, eating more than a ounce of peanuts did not bring futher decreases in people's risk of dying during the study. Therefore, I assume moderation is the key to this study on peanuts/nuts. 



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